June 26, 2024: Thornhill Medical’s 20th Anniversary Celebration

Celebrating 20 years of innovation, determination and growth

Thornhill Medical welcomed our community for a celebration marking the first two decades of achievement and our readiness for what’s next.

The Thornhill Medical community recently gathered to celebrate the company’s 20th Anniversary, honouring two decades of groundbreaking medical technology innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, and phenomenal growth and expansion. Together with our partners and supporters who helped us get where we are today, we celebrated not only Thornhill Medical’s many achievements to date, but also the bright future that lies ahead. Joining our Thornhill Medical team at the celebration were members of our esteemed Military Advisory Council, our partners, and colleagues and supporters from across our broader network.
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Taking the podium to salute Thornhill Medical’s community, President and CEO Lesley Gouldie said, “As we all know, inventing technology is only the first step in the tortuous ― and often treacherous― pathway in putting medical devices in the hands of those who save lives. Engineering skill and ingenuity; production precision and care; holding every process to tier-1 quality standards; regulatory acumen; financial gravitas; marketing creativity; listening to and solving problems for our customers, together with the vision and courage to make bold decisions when the opportunities present themselves: all of these factors enable success. The Thornhill team has delivered on this beyond what we could have ever imagined,” she said, concluding, “When the Marines needed us, we stepped up. When Defense forces far from home needed us, we stepped up. When Canadians needed us during COVID, we stepped up. When Ukraine needed us, we stepped up.

TH Lesley
“And when we step up, lives are saved.”

We were honoured to welcome our special guest, Dr. Andriy Batchinsky, surgeon, renowned lung injury scientist, and founder of the Geneva Foundation’s Autonomous Reanimation & Evacuation Research (AREVA) Institute and Innovation Center. Dr. Batchinsky spoke passionately about technology’s role in changing the battlefield paradigm by enabling the hospital to easily come to the patient, close to the point of injury, where help is needed most.

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The audience was deeply moved when our friends Svitlana Kominko and Tania Kostuk from the Maple Hope Foundation gave an impromptu presentation on how Ukrainian military personnel are using Thornhill Medical’s MOVES® SLC™  technology to save lives on the battlefield. They also presented Thornhill Medical CEO Lesley Gouldie with a beautiful gift: an elaborately detailed painting by an anesthesiologist in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, who used a MOVES SLC ventilator cartridge canister as the canvas. The moment was moving and meaningful, and an inspiring reminder of the vital importance of our vision to “make the impossible a reality”.

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Chief Technology Officer Drew Miller announced the creation of The Edward Masionis Memorial Award at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering in memory of Edward Masionis, a Thornhill Medical founding engineer who passed away in 2023. Edward was respected and liked by all for his creativity, problem solving capability and zest for adventure. One of his greatest joys was fostering and mentoring engineering talent. By creating this scholarship for the next generation of engineers, Edward’s memory, legacy and impact will be honoured for years to come.  

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No celebration is complete without a toast and cake-cutting, and we were led in a charming toast by Dr. James Duffin, a member of Thornhill’s original team and a vital member of the organization’s scientific team. Dr. Duffin was joined onstage by several other original team members, including Drew Miller, Dr. Olivia Sobczyk, Veso Tijanic, Tyler Lucock and Derek Watt.

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The Thornhill Medical vision was defined twenty years ago by Thornhill Medical’s co-founders, Dr. Joe Fisher and Dr. Ludwik Fedorko, and their pioneering work and enduring dedication were recognized by speakers and guests at the event. Their ongoing commitment and focus continue to inspire Thornhill’s team to be bold and confident in the future.

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With the steadfast support of our community, Thornhill Medical will continue to help our customers save lives by staying at the forefront of scientific innovation, evolving expertise, and our growing network of the best and brightest in our eco-system.

To those who were with us in person, thank you for celebrating with us.
To those who were with us in spirit, we toasted you.
To everyone who has made Thornhill Medical’s success possible, we thank you.

Please visit the Photo Gallery to relive the fun, festivities, and warm moments that we shared!

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