Agile. Mobile. Self-sufficient.
Pairing MOVES® SLC™ and MADM™
Waste Not. Want Not.

How MOVES® SLC™ and MADM™ work together
When MADM™ is used in a closed/circle-circuit configuration with MOVES® SLC™, any vapour anesthetic which is not consumed by the patient is exhaled back into the circuit and retained (to be used as part of the next breath).
The Anesthetic and CO2 Monitoring Sensor is inserted on the inspiratory line/tube near the patient’s mouth allowing it to measure and display inspiratory and expiratory vapour anesthetic and carbon dioxide concentrations on the LCD display screen.
MADM™ measures the flow and anesthetic concentration of the gas entering the system on the inspiratory limb of the ventilator circuit via its internal flow sensor and inlet gas. MADM™ then adjusts its internal liquid anesthetic delivery pump and controls the anesthetic vapourization rate and consequently the concentration of anesthetic in the gas exiting the system and delivered for patient inhalation.
The process automatically reduces the amount of liquid anesthetic being vapourized, compensating for the unused anesthetic returning from the patient.