TORONTO, ON – Thornhill Medical, has received notification from the US FDA that the MOVES® SLC™ Portable Emergency Life Support System has received 510K clearance. This approval expands the capabilities of the current MOVES® SLC™ system, including Pediatric Settings, Expanded Patient Monitoring Modes, New Ventilator Modes, and a Remote Monitoring and Control Interface.
“The US FDA 510K clearance represents a significant milestone in the development of our emergency medical device portfolio. The MOVES® SLC™ has been tested in extreme conditions of temperature, altitude, shock, vibration, EMC, sand, dust, and rain. It has also been fully evaluated by the US Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory at Ft. Rucker (USAARL). As such, the MOVES® SLC™ is the ideal solution for disaster relief, medevac transportation and overflow ICU situations.”
Kipton Lade, President and CEO of Thornhill Medical.